
Completed Events


All Amateur Radio Operators, regardless of Club Affiliation are welcome to participate in the combined Arkansas ARES/RACES/CAREN events. By "wearing" all three hats, volunteer Amateur Radio Operators can serve the ARRL, FEMA and Non-Profit Charitable organizations.



To Join ARES/RACES, click here to print the form.

To Join CAREN, download the CAREN membership application, complete and mail.  The preferred way to join is to attend a club meeting, become acquainted and JOIN IN PERSON!



Arkansas Razorback Emergency Training Net: Sunday 7:00 AM    3987.5

Arkansas Razorback Net: 6:30 PM Daily on 3987.5

CAREN TRAFFIC Net: 7:00 PM, 146.94 and CAREN linked repeaters, each Thursday, except the first Thursday of the month (Club Meeting)

CAREN TRAINING Net : 7:00 PM, 146.94 and CAREN linked repeaters, each Tuesday.  Second Tuesday is devoted to SKYWARN.



Be "War Box Ready".  Register with ARES/RACES.  Prepare, Train, and Participate.



This is the standardized form for traffic handling in amateur radio.  Click here to download the Radiogram.


Certainly ARES/RACES/CAREN/SKYWARN Amateur Radio Operators should never attempt anything above their level of training. Unauthorized Search and Rescue is a good way to get shot. Medical treatment above your level of training can get you sued. Issuing request for supplies or equipment must be authorized by responsible officials, in writing and preferable signed, to protect us from possible financial responsibility for unauthorized requests.

Amateur Radio Operators should be self alerted by news media reports and accounts. Such preparatory measures such as charging batteries, loading a grab and go bag in your vehicle, all necessary equipment, supplies and creature comforts should be located, placed in the vehicle or where they can be quickly obtained.

Generally speaking, two meters will be used out of a disaster area, especially if the repeaters are operational, if not on simplex, to a home station capable of 75 meter and 40 meter operations, if statewide communications is needed. The cardinal rule of Emergency Responses is listen, listen, and then listen some more. How many times have you heard station occupy an Emergency Frequency or Repeater with idle chit chat knowing full well that Emergency Response Stations are monitoring for potential future developments of a Emergency Situation. I personally think that is rude, unthinking and call it to everyone�s attention, in case you are one of those chit Chatting stations and are unaware.

Points of Contact need a list of Stations reporting as requested for Security Purposes. If you are not on the list and wish to volunteer, contact your local Emergency Coordinator.

Do Not, I repeat Do Not, just show up at a shelter, EOC, Red Cross site, disaster site, staging area, unless requested to do so by the Emergency Coordinator. These �rules� are not made lightly, these �rules� are what professional Emergency Managers expect of professional Emergency Responders. Years of practical experience has developed these rules of engagement and are widely accepted.

Self training for Emergency Communication Responders is available from FEMA and the ARRL Emergency Communications Course. Training Nets are held Sunday mornings at 7:00 AM and on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM or immediately following the Arkansas Razorback Net, which meets at 6:30 PM 365 days a year on 3.987.5 and on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM on the linked CAREN CLUB repeaters. Self training is encouraged and deemed necessary.

Upcoming Events

March 29, 2025
 Capitol City Classic 10K

April 3, 2025
 Face to Face Club Meeting

April 12, 2025
 Ouachita Trail 50

May 26, 2025
 Annual Memorial Day Ceremony

September 27, 2025
 Big Dam Bridge 100

October 4-5, 2025
 Arkansas Traveler 100

December 6, 2025
 3 Bridges Marathon

December 20-21, 2025
 Raid the Rock